“We want to know what success looks like for you, where you want to go in the future and who the competition are. By taking the time to learn about your business, we can better partner with you to execute a cost effective transport strategy. Not only will this help grow your business it also maximises the life time value of your investment” - Maarten Durent, Chief Executive Officer

“We analyse where you are going, what you are transporting and the environment along the way. Our sales engineers then specify a vehicle to suit, marrying what you require with what you want. The end result is a truck that is a true master of its journey”– Richard Smart, General Sales Manager

“With our extensive TRP parts network and new truck process workshop we can go way beyond your standard rig. Custom built tractors and signwriting to the latest driver comforts, we have it covered. As a result we can manage the new truck process from start to finish, one invoice one partner”– Aaron Headington, New Truck Prep Manager
R E A D M O R E: C U S T O M T R U C K S N E X T: S E R I O U S S E R V I C E

“Having the right vehicle for the job is only part of the equation, the true end game is keeping the fleet on the road. Our tailored service plans are specifically designed to maximise your investment. This combined with New Zealand's most comprehensive service network means we are by your side 24/7”– Andrew Potter, Service Managerr
R E A D M O R E: S E R V I C E N E T W O R KN E X T: T R U C K C U S T O M I S A T I O N